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Paige Bradley vs Rainer Lagemann

360c  Paige Bradley expansion c.2005.jpg

 Paige Bradley expansion c.2005


360c Rainer Lagemann  Sophia Yoga 3 Metal sculpture Cut steel pipe, welded.jpg

Rainer Lagemann  Sophia Yoga 3



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art religieux jina vs Unkei

360c  Svetambara Intronisé Jina, avec sa suite Yaksha et Yakshi  India-Gujarat  ca. second half of the 11th century.jpg

Svetambara Intronisé Jina, avec sa suite Yaksha et Yakshi  India-Gujarat  ca. second half of the 11th century


360c Wood Sculpture of Dainichi Nyorai (Mahavairocana) Kamakura period (1190s), attributed to Unkei (d. 1223).gif

Unkei      Dainichi Nyorai (Mahavairocana) Kamakura period 1190



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