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Gabriela Aguilo vs Anselm Kiefer

+++ Gabriela Aguilo Firehammer.jpg

Gabriela Aguilo Firehammer

+++ Anselm Kiefer  The Evening of All Days, the Day of All Evenings  2014.jpg

Anselm Kiefer The Evening of All Days, the Day of All Evenings 2014




Camille Barthélemy vs Paul Emile Pissarro

++ Camille Barthélemy  Grevenmacher Chapel of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 1930.jpg

Camille Barthélemy Grevenmacher Chapel of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 1930

++ Paul Emile Pissarro The Cathedral at Rouen, 1924.jpg

Paul Emile Pissarro The Cathedral at Rouen, 1924