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Vénus de Dolni Vestonice vs Louise Bourgeois

+814Venus of Dolni Vestonice 29 000 – 25 000 BP (Gravettian industry), Moravian basin south of Brno..jpg

Vénus de Dolni Vestonice 29 000 – 25 000 BP (Gravettien), Moldavie sud de Brno.


+814Louise Bourgeois Pregnant Woman, 2007, gouache on paper.jpg

Pregnant Woman, 2007


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Egon Schiele vs Katharine Cooper

+ 2821 Egon Schiele Crucifixion [with Darkened Sun] 1917.jpg

Egon Schiele Crucifixion [with Darkened Sun] 1917

+ 2821 Katharine Cooper serie Aleppo mon amour 2017 crucifix-with-bullet-holes-30x30.jpg

Katharine Cooper serie Alep mon amour 2017 crucifix with bullet holes