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Culture pueblo vs Kim Sacks

917 Culture pueblo Ancestral Pueblo jars  AD 900–1130Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico.jpg

Culture pueblo Ancestral Pueblo jars AD 900–1130Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico

917 Kim Sacks bowl c.2010.jpg

Kim Sacks bowl c.2010


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culture hopi vs culture Pre-Egyptienne

902 Culture hopi Ancestral Hopi bowl AD 1300s Homol´ovi, Navajo County, Arizona.jpg

Culture hopi Ancestral Hopi bowl AD 1300s Homol´ovi, Navajo County, Arizona

902 Culture Pre-Egyptienne  Pottery bowl with three hippopotami Naqada I period, 3850 - 3650 BC.jpg

Culture Pre-Egyptienne Pottery bowl with three hippopotami Naqada I period, 3850 - 3650 BC

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