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art égyptien vs Ben Macala

+910 art égyptien tête de femme , New Kingdom, 18th dynasty, 1473 - 1352 BC.jpg

art égyptien tête de femme , New Kingdom, 18th dynasty, 1473 - 1352 BC


+910 Ben Macala, South Africa.jpg

Ben Macala, untitled  South Africa   c.2005-2010




culture Adena vs art égyptien

+846 culture Adena   Native north American from 1000 to 200 BC.jpg

culture Adena   Native north American from 1000 to 200 BC


+846 art égyptien Scarab of Amenhotep III hunting Lions nouvel empire 18è dynastie.jpg

art égyptien Scarab of Amenhotep III hunting Lions nouvel empire 18è dynastie



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